Murder me like you’ve murdered my mother, Romeo
Monologue, 2018

Handing out peace, for the times that you find yourself staring at the people passing by from the comfort of your room.

Inspired by the story of Romeo and Juliet and personal experiences this performance will be a monologue, portraying an inner discussion between the different aspects of a person; the child, the healthy adult and the overly critical parent. This discussion will tell you about how the 'real' story of Romeo and Juliet affected the life of their child; stay tuned.

Instagram: @5.3.444

A performance based on the first series of ‘A Friend’, a zine that wants to bring you comfort, a friend that may not be there for you as a friend of flesh and bones, a friend that’s been manifested through the texts that have been collected on the topics of depression and mental illness. Texts that have brought me a lot of comfort in my darker times, combined with my own writings;

In the Hackspo livestream you will see a short performance/promo video, an introduction to one of the two zines I have been working on; this tells the story about the need for A friend, we will dive in, as far as we can since this video is only a 'promo', into the life of Romeo and Juliet's child. At the beginning of the video she addresses Romeo, telling him she is not afraid anymore and asking him if he still remembers her.

Making herself comfortable in any space, she decided that the road fitted her circumstances better than the roof she used to live under, she lies down on the floor of a living room, somewhere, anywhere. She is mourning and her journey continues, from one room to another, one world to another.