Kòrsou. Un pais di terser mundu

E paisnan di terser mundu sa tin ekonomia dependiente di paisnan ku ta desaroyá i generalmente nan ta wòrdu karakterisá komo pober ku un gobièrnu instabíl i ku ratio haltu di kresementu poblano, analfabetismo i enfermedat. Aparte di esaki, e mayoria di nan ta sufri di mortalidat inflantil haltu estado di kresementu ekonómiko abou, nivel haltu di pobresa, utilisashon di rekurso natural abou I un gran dependensia di nashonnan industrialisá. Aunke na Kòrsou nos no tin un ratio haltu di kresementu poblano, mortalidat infantil, analfabetismo òf enfermedat, mayoria di e otro karakteristikanan di un pais di terser mundu ta pas den nos kaha chikí.

Basá riba numbernan ku a wòrdu atkeri serka Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao, CBS, ta mustra ku den aña 2017, e montante average di sèn ku un kas mester pa luna ta mas o menos 2000 florin. Sin enbargo, 41.6% di e pueblo, ekskluiendo e 12.7% ku no ta registrá, ta kobra un montante brutu di 2000 florin òf menos pa luna, ku 29.1% ganando entre 1001 i 2000 florin, i 12.5% asta menos ku 1000 florin. Esaki ta nifika ku e mayoria kasnan aki na Kòrsou, sea ta bringa pa por kubri tur gastu fin di luna i asina spar untiki sèn of nan no ni por sera sèn pa kubri tur gastu te pa nan pensa di spar untiki sèn. Pa 2018 e montante average ku un kas mester pa por kubri tur gastu fin di luna a keda 2000 florin, pero nos tur a mira kon e liña di desempleo a subi, mientras sierto kasnan a asta sinti esaki su efekto.

E gobièrnu ta hasi wega i ta solamente preokupá riba trahamentu di kaya fini manera ku esei so ta parti di infrastuktura. Nos sentro di suidat ta algu ku semper nos tabata orguyoso di dje, pero e edifisionan ta bashando den otro i nada no ta wòrdu hasí. E kontrato di Shell ta terminá proksimo aña, e aña aki ta serka di kaba i niun hende no tin un plan sigur pa loke ta bai pasa despues. Nos ta keda importa tur kos ku por wòrdu produsí akinan mes na Kòrsou, mientras no tin sèn pa nada. I mi ta puntra mi mes dikon niun hende no a bini huntu pa mustra ku kos no por sigui asina’ki. Niun hende no ta preokupa asina tin kuminda riba mesa. Kuminda ku ta yená ku tur tipo di kimiko i enfermedat. Despues nos ta bisa ku kolestoròl i suku haltu ta kore den nos famia, kaminda no ta berdat. Kome malu sí ta kore den famia. Nos ta keda kome “kuminda chines” kaminda ku e “kuminda di chines” ei no ta para mes banda di e kuminda di chines ku e chinesnan mes ta kome. Konstantemente den notisia bo por mira kon shushi i fis ta den mayoria su kushina, kon nan mes ta traha produktonan for di kosnan ku ta dahiño pa hende, kambia fecha di vensementu i kuantu di e restaurant i merkadonan aki ta wòrdu será dor di gobièrnu pa tur e motibunan aki. Sin embargo, tur ora ku bo pasa dilanti un establesimentu chines, bo ta mira hende ta konsumi i kumpra kos. Ta 2018, pratikamente 1/4 di Korsou a pèrde trabou, pero niun establesimentu chines a sera. Na China, nan a prohibí tur turista ku nashonalidat Afrikano pa residensiá den nan hotèlnan, mientras nan ta kumpra Afrika i eksploitá Kòrsou. E nashonalidat Afrikano ku nan ta prohibí ta simplemente un remplaso di e koló di kueru skur. Mientras nos ta selebrá Zwarte Piet komo par di mongol, na Hulanda nan ta hasi chèrchi dibo. Nan ta huza e ekskusa di ku si e ta wòrdu selebrá na Kòrsou, dikon e ta un problema na Hulanda. Nan ta huzabu i bo ignoransia komo un ekskusa pa sigui hasi kosnan ku ta robes. Kosnan ku nos ansestronan a bringa pa kita, pero e úniko kos ku nos ta hasi komo pais ta hisa skouder paso nos ta mas preokupa ku sobrebibí. Pero, si nos sobrebibí pa bira esklabo of keda esklabo i laga otro hasi manera nan haña ta bon ku nos komo pais, no ta un nesesidat di sobrebibí. Ki dia nos ta lanta for di soño. Ki dia nos ta uni. Ki dia nos lo bringa pa nos libertat. Paso e manera ku nos ta bai aki, nos ta bayendo stret den direkshon di bira un pais di terser mundu, kaminda undjis otro paisnan lo kumisa eksploitá nos mas ku nos ta wòrdu di eksploitá kaba.

Mi ke un Kòrsou stabíl, ekonomikamente i mentalmente. Kaminda nos por hari i disfruta di presente, sin tinku preokupa ku futuro. No pasó nos ta muchu preokupa ku sobrebibí den presente, pero pasó nos ta un pais sufisientemente stabíl kual ta brinda nos e libertat di skohe pa relahá i saboria e momentu. Nos a lubida kon duru nos a traha pa yega te kaminda nos ta aki komo pais. Nos mester uni pa Kòrsou bai dilanti.

Ma nase na Kòrsou. Biba na Kòrsou. I nunka mino a mira algu mas disgraceful ku e añanan ku ta pasando akí. No tin ni un sensashon di union. Niun hende no ta kòrda riba e otro, riba futuro, riba bida. Ma biba mayoria di mi bida akinan, kual a krea par di e mihó memorianan. Aunke semper gobièrnu tabata hode e pueblo, tabatin un sensashon di union, un sensashon di orguyo den loke bo tin i ta hasi.
Curaçao. A third world country

Third world countries tend to have economies dependent on the developed countries and are generally characterized as poor with unstable governments and having high rates of population growth, illiteracy, and disease. Aside of this, most of them suffer from high infant mortality, low economic development, high levels of poverty, low utilization of natural resources, and heavy dependency on industrialized nations. Although, in Curaçao we do not have high rates of population growth, infant mortality, nor illiteracy or diseases, most of the other characteristics of a third world country fits into our tiny box.

Based on numbers attained from the Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao, CBS, it shows that in 2017, the average amount of money that a household needs per month is about 2000 guilders. And yet, 41.6% of the citizens, excluding the 12.7% that are unknown, has a gross monthly income of 2000 guilders and lower, with 29.1% earning between 1001 and 2000 guilders and 12.5% even lower than 1000 guilders. This, meaning that the majority of the households here, either struggle to make ends meet and be able to save up or are not even able to make ends meet nor think about saving some extra cash. By 2018 the average amount of money that a household needs, to be able to cover all or most of its expenses remains 2000 guilders, but we’ve all seen that the unemployment rates have gone staggering up and a lot of households have felt it as well.

The government is playing games, only worried about making smooth roads as if that’s the only part of infrastructure. Our center city is one if the things we are most proud of and yet the buildings are crumbling down and nothing happens. The contract of Shell is due the next year, this year is almost over and still no one has a vast plan for what’s going to happen next. We continue to import everything that we can make and cultivate here, while there’s no money for anything. And I wonder why the people still haven’t come together yet to show that this can’t continue going on. No one cares, as long as we have food on our table. Food that are filled with all kinds of chemicals and diseases, and then we say cholesterol and “high sugar” runs in our family when it doesn’t, it’s the bad eating that does. We stay eating “Chinese food”, when that “Chinese food” doesn’t even come remotely close to the actual Chinese food. There’s constant news about how dirty it looks in their kitchen, how they make and resell fake products and how many of these restaurants and markets get closed down by the government because of all these reasons. Yet, there is where we stay going. They are poisoning your body, but every day you pass by their establishments you see people hanging around it. It’s 2018, practically one third of the citizens of Curacao has lost their jobs, but no Chinese establishment has closed down. In China they are banning Africans from hotels, while they buy Africa and are exploiting Curaçao. The nationality African that they are banning is just there in the place of the skin color black. While we still celebrate Zwarte Piet like dumb bitches, in Holland they mock you. They use the excuse that if they still celebrate it in Curaçao, why is it a problem in the Netherlands. They are using you as a way to keep doing things that aren’t right. Things that our ancestors have fought to get over with, but the only thing we do as a country is lift our shoulders up because we are more worried about surviving. But, if we survive to become slaves and or remain slaves and let others do as they please, there is no need to survive. When will we wake up. When will we come together as one. When will we fight to maintain our freedom. Because the way we are going we are heading straight to becoming a third world country where soon other countries will start exploiting our asses more than they already are.

I want a stable Curaçao, economically and mentally. Where we can laugh and enjoy the present without worrying about the future, not because we are too busy trying to survive in the present but because we are stable enough which gives us the freedom of choice to relax for a moment. We have forgotten how hard we fought to get to where we are as a country. We need to unite in order for Curaçao to move forward.

I was born in Curaçao. Lived in Curaçao. And never have I seen anything more disgraceful than the couple of years that are going by. There’s no unity. No one thinks about the other, about the future, about life. I lived most of my life here, which created some of the best memories. Even though, the government always fucked us over, there was a feeling of unity, a feeling of proudness in what we had and did.